My PLC / HMI experience includes projects from $10k up to about $40m, primarily within the realm of chemical processing and filtration.
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There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words
A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart.
Cindy Chow
She is a passionate hardcore Java Professional and like to teach technology that relates to Java. Since 2010 she tuned to Android because of its Open Source.
Leonardo Bonucci
Having years of Industry experience, he works on many project and at present he is providing Consultancy for many renowned IT companies.
Sarah Johnson
Before engineering, I developed and implemented CI (Continuous Improvement) management systems in companies across America in various industries to include a military finance organization.
@jpmerchanphoto …Creo que tu naces con cierta creatividad, pero la experiencia, los años, la calle te ayudan a desarrollar mucho más la parte creativa y creo que hay ge…
@jaimepavonaviles …Creo que la fotografía es mucho más que los estudios, es más una cuestión de expresarse. Vamos a presentar a Jaime, es un fotógrafo ecuatoriano, estu… “Tu obra necesita de un trabajo constante para existir” Lía Padilla es una diseñadora muy creativa hemos estado compartiendo algunos de sus trabajos y …